We brewed up this English Barleywine with 7 different kinds of malts and 4 different kinds of hops for a unique and complex flavor. This beer has been aging since January 15th with the intent to release it in late March, but a pandemic got in the way. Finally, today we can bring you Grist of Fury. #knoxville #knoxvilletn

We brewed up this English Barleywine with 7 different kinds of malts and 4 different kinds of hops for a unique and complex flavor. This beer has been aging since January 15th with the intent to release it in late March, but a pandemic got in the way. Finally, today we can bring you Grist of Fury. #knoxville #knoxvilletn

View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CAvg6UfgOJ1/